Arenaturist approached us for the digital refreshing of their web presence. It was an offer we couldn't refuse.
Boasting a 20,000 bed capacity between its hotels, resorts and campsites, all situated on the astonishing Istrian peninsula, the mission of Arenaturist has always been to present the travelers with a beautiful and streamlined interface to get acquainted, fall in love with, and choose the perfect vacation spot.
New Arenaturist portal had to follow our tried and tested e-tourism best practices, be completely PHOBS (online booking engine) integrated, multilingual and accessible from a wide range of devices. The goal was to create a website that is functional, aesthetically pleasing and user friendly.
We engaged in extensive user testing, focusing on existing and new user habits and user experience, to enhance the development process as well as the conversion rates. The result is a beautiful, modern website to match the beauty of Arenaturist destinations.
Sukladno Ugovoru o dodijeli bespovratnih sredstava za projekte koji se financiraju iz europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova u financijskom razdoblju 2014-2020
Projekt "E-impuls" (referentna oznaka: KK.
Ulaganje u tehnološku bazu s ciljem jačanja i proširenja proizvodnje visokoinovativnih proizvoda
Ministarstvo gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta.
Europski fond za regionalni razvoj
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