Retail/FMCG - Podravka d.d.
Creativity, freedom of thought, courage and emotion lead the new communications direction that brings Vegeta closer to the new generations.
The new site is full of distinctive visuals and playful communication, inviting visitors to interact with each other and successfully break the routine of website usage, showing that brands with decades of tradition, such as Vegeta, can be leaders in digital communication, especially for the younger audience.
The new website is designed in responsive, HTML5 technology, which allows all users access to the same high quality and unique experience across all types of devices - from traditional desktop to tablets and smartphones. In addition to responsiveness, site contains advanced CSS3 animation, modern parallax scrolling and navigation, and the elements are adapted for interaction via touch screen devices.
The site is rich with innovations such as intelligent interactive content "Mood Food". Their uniqueness lies in market research and collaboration with a psychologist resulting in a connection between the mood and the food through advanced algorithms.
Sukladno Ugovoru o dodijeli bespovratnih sredstava za projekte koji se financiraju iz europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova u financijskom razdoblju 2014-2020
Projekt "E-impuls" (referentna oznaka: KK.
Ulaganje u tehnološku bazu s ciljem jačanja i proširenja proizvodnje visokoinovativnih proizvoda
Ministarstvo gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta.
Europski fond za regionalni razvoj
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