Retail/FMCG - Ledo d.d.
Ledo is Croatian market leader in the frozen food segment, most recognized for its ice cream products, that has been with us since 1958.
We developed a brand new corporate online presence for Ledo, covering all the segments from frozen foods to colorful ice creams, targeting consumers, business partners and the hospitality segment. With several methods of browsing and searching through the large product base, it is now easier than ever to find a perfect ingredient for your meals or perfect flavour for a hot summer day. Our work includes conceptualizing, structuring and optimising Ledo’s large product base to deliver the best user experience, with rich and colourful design driven by our VUDU framework.
Sukladno Ugovoru o dodijeli bespovratnih sredstava za projekte koji se financiraju iz europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova u financijskom razdoblju 2014-2020
Projekt "E-impuls" (referentna oznaka: KK.
Ulaganje u tehnološku bazu s ciljem jačanja i proširenja proizvodnje visokoinovativnih proizvoda
Ministarstvo gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta.
Europski fond za regionalni razvoj
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