Retail/FMCG - Tekstilpromet d.d.
A largest retail chain of the legendary textile distributor Tekstilpromet, Centra stores offer a selection of fine foreign and domestic fashion brands in many locations around Croatia.
The new website needed to showcase all the brands on offer and serve as a portfolio page for new collections, offers and news from the industry. To let the vivid fashion imagery speak for itself loudly and clearly, the rest of the design had to be unobtrusive and minimal. We went with a distinct black and white feel, with occasional splashes of pastel color, and tons of white space.
A heavily modified and customized Wordpress platform was the chosen platform for Centra. A tailor-made solution for bespoke textile merchandise.
Sukladno Ugovoru o dodijeli bespovratnih sredstava za projekte koji se financiraju iz europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova u financijskom razdoblju 2014-2020
Projekt "E-impuls" (referentna oznaka: KK.
Ulaganje u tehnološku bazu s ciljem jačanja i proširenja proizvodnje visokoinovativnih proizvoda
Ministarstvo gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta.
Europski fond za regionalni razvoj
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