Entertainment - Dani Komunikacija
Days of Communication festival is the central gathering point for local marketing professionals and communicators in the field of traditional and digital advertising
Their main goal is to continue to educate, inspire, reward creativity and efficiency, connect marketing professionals in one place and persist in raising awareness of the importance of marketing communication processes in a changing market environment.
For Days of Communication we developed a responsive website focusing on readability and accessibility, making sure viewers can always check schedule and details about speakers, as well as where the best party in Rovinj is.
Sukladno Ugovoru o dodijeli bespovratnih sredstava za projekte koji se financiraju iz europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova u financijskom razdoblju 2014-2020
Projekt "E-impuls" (referentna oznaka: KK.
Ulaganje u tehnološku bazu s ciljem jačanja i proširenja proizvodnje visokoinovativnih proizvoda
Ministarstvo gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta.
Europski fond za regionalni razvoj
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